For Children 5-12 years old

Shine Afterschool Program

Our afterschool care program is a safe, cozy, creative space for school-aged children to play, create and make friends. Our program includes character training and Bible teaching. 


Sussex Christian School
45 Chapman Drive, Sussex NB

Faith Bible Baptist Fellowship
33 Pine Street, Sussex NB


Atlantic Community Church
78 Route 880, Apohaqui NB

* If your child attends Sussex Elementary School, our Shine leaders will meet after schoolers at the school each day and walk to the centre together.

Shine Fees

Registration Fee

$25 per child is due upon submission of application. This money is non-refundable and will not be put toward your first payment. This money is used to register your child and buy any necessary supplies.

Shine Fees

Please contact us for current weekly fee rates.

Fee Payment Schedule

Weekly payment - Payment is due the Thursday before the week of service.

How To Apply

Before applying to Shine Afterschool Care Program, please review the information in Little Lights Early Learning Centre Handbook: Handbook

Complete the Waitlist Form: Shine Waitlist Form

Once you have been contacted about an opening you will complete the Shine Registration form found under "For Parents" in the top menu.

For More Information

Please feel free to contact us for more information or to ask questions. We look forward to talking with you.